1.After break I usually eat someting or start studying.
2.They will have to delay they're work or some fun.(nu sunt sigura aici)
3.I would appreciate if my friends came over and try to cheer me up.
4.I would postpone going to work so that I could go to the dentist even though I'm scared.
5.I suggest you going to the cinema with your friends and then come home and eat some pizza.
6.I hate doing homework on holiday.
7.Usually that person's best friend or someone very close to that person.
8.It's worth trying to stop it.
9.They keep hiding they're real feelings from others so that they don't get hurt.
10.Firemen risk they're safety and sometimes they risk they're lifes.
Vezi ca la cateva sigur am gresit!Sa mai ke citesti tu de cateva ori,Alexandra!