
a. Supply the articles where necessary.
... important and challenging part of your experience is sharing daily life with your host family. Th ey want
to share their life with you and hope that you will become ... member of their family. ... U.S. family unit may
include ... mother, father, and their children. Today in ... U.S. about 50% of ... families are single-parent families.
Grandparents or other relatives rarely live in ... same home as ... parents and children. Many host families may
not be wealthy. In general, they earn ... medium income, which means that they can live comfortably and have
... few luxuries. Most families do not have maids to help with ... housework and child care. Family members,
including ... father and ... children, help with ... daily household chores. Th is reflects ... attitude that chores build
“character”, responsibility and dependability. ... American family is perhaps one of ... most mobile units in ...
world. Almost half of ... American population moves at least every five years to new homes and jobs. Some might
say American friendliness is due to mobility.
b. Use the information above in a dialogue of your own.

Răspuns :



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Punctul a)

         An important and challenging part of your experience is sharing daily life with your host family. They want  to share their life with you and hope that you will become a member of their family. A U.S. family unit may  include a  mother, father, and their children. Today in the U.S., about 50% of all families are single-parent families.  Grandparents or other relatives rarely live in the same home as the parents and children. Many host families may  not be wealthy. In general, they earn a medium income, which means that they can live comfortably and have  a few luxuries. Most families do not have maids to help with the housework and child care. Family members,  including the father and his children, help with the daily household chores. This reflects an attitude that chores build  “character”, responsibility and dependability. The American family is perhaps one of the most mobile units in the world. Almost half of the American population moves at least every five years to new homes and jobs. Some might  say American friendliness is due to mobility.

Punctul b)

„Do you think that grandparents or other relatives live in the same home as the parents and children?”

„No, I believe that they rarely live in the same house.”

„Can the average American host family afford many luxuries?”

„They can afford a few luxuries, since they earn a medium income.”

„Why do you think children help with the daily household chores?”

„I believe they do so in order to help their parents. If they are responsible enough, they will realize that every family member needs to do whatever they can to help around the house, since they all live in the same home. It also builds character and dependability.”

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