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Traduce-ti din Engleza in Romana !
Threat of tourism

Tourism is another problem.Many of the turtles' nesting sites have been destroyed by the development of hotels in remote areas.Also, tourists can do damage by accidentally treading on the turtles' nests and destroying the eggs.Baby turtles can be confused by lights from buildings and streets and prevented from finding the sea.They wander inland to be crushed by vehicles or to die from heat exhaustion in the sunlight.In addition, turtle eggs and turtle soup are now considered to be a delicacy for tourists so the stealing or turtle eggs and baby turtles has become more frequent.

Răspuns :

turismul ese o alta problema.multe testoase gigant pot fi distruse de hotelurile din zona.Astfel,turistii pot distruge accidental cuiburile testoaselor sau pot calca pe ouale acestora.Puii de testoasa pot fi confuzi din cauza luminii clădirilor si strazilor si riscanta sa nu gaseasca marea.pot fi loviti de masini sau pog murii di cauza expunerii la soare.in final,ouale si supa de testoasa sunt considerate o delicatete pentru turisti deci vanatul testoaselor pui sah a oualelor poate deveni o problema/ceva rau
sper ca am ajutat!!!