
vreau traducerea in engleza urgent va rog !!!!! : Eu locuiesc intr-o casa destul de primitoare si frumoasa cu trei camere , o bucatarie mica si un hol unde se afla o masa de tenis , dar aceasta casa are si un defect destul de serios si incomod , ea nu este izolata prin exterior si iarna cand e frig pe la colturile caeei se face apa si exista un miros foarte urat de la mucegai , dar asta a fost rezolvata . Casa este cu destu camere , dar camera de zi , dormitorul meu si al fratelui meu este mic si ar trebui facute mai mari, si imca un defect al casei este ca peretii de pe hol sunt crapati si ar trebui reparati

Răspuns :

I live in a pretty welcoming and beautiful house with 3 rooms, one little kitchen and a hall where is a tennis table, but this house have a quite serious and unconfortable defective: it isn't isolated in the outside and in the winter when is cold, at house's corner is water and here is a very ugly smell from the mold, but this problem was fixed. The house has enough rooms but the living room, my bedroom and my brother's bedroom must be increased. Another defective is that the walls from the hall are cracked and they need to be fixed.