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Daca as avea oportunitatea sa calatoresc in lume as alege Japonia deoarece acolo locuiesc bunici mei pe care nu i.am mai vazut de multa vreme.De fircare data cand ei ma viziteaza imi povesteau despre Japonia.
Japonia este o insula din Asia de Est.Denumirea ei oficiala este,,Tara de la originea soarelui " sau ,,Tara Soarelui Rasare"Se spune ca Japonia a fost creata de zei care au infipt o sabie in ocean ,la scoaterea ei formandu.se patru picaturi ce au devenit insule.Cand o sa ajung in Japonia ma voi informa de istoria ei si voi vizita muntele Fuji.El find un vulcan care are 3.776,este cel mai inalt munte din Japonia.Urmatorul meu obiectiv pe care as dori sa il vizitez ar fi capitala Japoniei ,Tokyo.Tokyo fiind orasul luminilor si al culorilor unde a aparut primul manga care ia creat Japoniei o reputatie si care ii aduce multi bani.Primul manga aparand in Japonia Medievala si pastranduse pana in zilele de azi.Mangaurile fiind desene animate dar in japoneza.Aceste informati mile.au spus bunici si mi.sau parut interesante dasta vreau sa ajung in Japonia . Dar momentan aceste planuri sunt doar niste vise

Răspuns :

If I had the oportunity to travel in the world, I would choose Japan because my grandparents live there who I have not seen in a while. Everytime they visit me, they tell me a story about Japan. Japan is an island from the West of Asia. The original name of the country is "The country of the origin of the sun" or "The country that rises". It says that Japan was created by gods that stabbed the ocean with a sword and when it was taken off it formed three drops that became islands. When I will be in Japan I will interest myself about its history and I will visit the Fuji mountain. It is volcano which has 3776 meters. It is the tallest mountain in Japan. The next attraction I want to visit is the capital of Japan, Tokyo. Tokyo is the city of lights and colors where appeared the first manga that brought Japan a reputation and that brings Japan a lot of money. The first manga appeared in ancient Japan and it is kept until now. Mangas are cartoons but in japanese. My grandparents told me these informations and I thought that are interesting. That is why I want to go in Japan. But momentary these plans are just dreams.