a fost răspuns

Tradu-mi te rog urmatoarele propozitii:

In timpul celui de-al doilea semestru din clasa a VIII-a notele mele au inceput sa cada. Eram data afara de la ore si activitati si avem probleme destul de serioase la scoala. Parintii mei erau foarte striciti,asa ca eram pedepsita foarte des. Stateau tot timpul pe capul meu. Dar asta nu m-a oprit. Am inceput sa beau mai mult si la sfarsitul verii de dupa clasa a VIII-a deja beam foarte mult. Era ceva ce faceam atunci cand ne plictiseam si deoarece aveam prieteni mai mari,era usor sa cumparam alcool. Cateodata refuzam sa beau,dar nu prea des,deoarece credeam ca este distractiv si nu trebuia sa ma ingrijorez pentru nimic atat timp cat eram beata.

Răspuns :

In the 2nd semester of the 8th grade my marks started to fall. I had big problems at school. My parents were strong so i was i was in trouble a lot. They were always sitting on my head. But didn't stop me. I started to drink more and at the end of summer of the 8th grade i drank a lot. It was something i was doing when i was bored and because i had friends that are bigger than me it was easy to buy alcohol. Sometimes i was refusing to drink but not often because i thought it's funny and i had nothing to worry about as long as i am drunk.
Eu sper ca te-am ajutat dar povestea ta e foarte trista :((