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People don't die with a fever of one hundred and two . That's a silly way to talk. I know they do . At school France the boys told me you can't live with forty-four degrees . I've got a hundred and two . You poor Schatz , I said . Poor old Schatz . It's like miles and kilometres . You aren't going to die . That's a different thermometer. On that thermometer thirty-seven is normal . On this kind it's ninety-eight .
Are you sure ? Absolutely, I said . It's like miles and kilometres . You know , like how many kilometres we make when we do seventy miles in the car ? Oh , he said . He relaxed slowly and the next day he cried very easily at little things of no importance.

Răspuns :

"Oamenii nu mor de la o febra de 102 grade. E o prostie sa spui asta."
 "Ba mor. La scoala in Franta, baietii mi-au spus ca nu mai traiesti la 44 de grade. Eu am 102."
"Odorul meu scump" am spus. "Dragul meu Odoras. E ca la mile si kilometri. N-o sa mori. Ala e un termometru diferit. Pe termometrul acela 37 e normal. Pe acest termometru e 98."
"Esti sigura?"
"Categoric" i-am raspuns. E ca la mile si kilometri. Stii genul, e la fel ca in intrebarea cati kilometri parcurgem cand facem 70 de mile cu masina?"
"O!" spuse el. S-a relaxat incetisor si in ziua urmatoare lacrima cu usurinta la orice fleacuri fara importanta.