a fost răspuns

Am nevoie sa fie tradusa in engleza aceasta compunere :
La vârsta de 5 ani eram foarte curioasa cand vedeam pe alti oameni cum merg pe bicicleta mi se parea foarte distractiv . Asadar parinti mei cand au vazut ca mi-o doresc atat de mult mi-au cumparat una . Eram atat de bucuroasa cand a adus-o tatal meu , m-a ajutat sa ma urc pe ea si ma impingea de la spate .
Pana intr-o zi cand i.am spus sa imi faca vant si sa imi dea drumul, atunci am inceput a pedala si cand am vazut ca am reusit sa merg din prima clipa de cand ma lasat am fost foarte fericita, a fost cel mai bun lucru care l-am facut pana atunci!

Răspuns :

When I was five, I had been very curious when I was seeing other people how they ride a bike. It seemed so fun to me. So, my parents when they saw that I wish so much a bike, they had bought me one. I was so excited when my father had brought it. He helped me to get on the bike and he pushed me from my back. Until one day when I told him to set me free, then I was started to pedal and when I noticed that I succed from first time, I was very happy. This is the best thing that I had ever done by then.