Home phone (telefonul fix)
What it does? (ce face?)
It's an object that helps us to talk to our relatives, be found and given news by anyone who has our home nomber. (Este un obiect ce ne ajuta sa vorbim cu neamurile noastre [familia noastra], sa fim gasiti [logic ca acasa] si informati despre noutati de oricine are numarul nostru de acasa)
What would happen without it? (ce s-ar intampla fara el?)
People who would try to reach us wouldn't be able to do it the easiest way, they would have to send a letter or come personally to us. (Oamenii ce ar incerca sa dea de noi nu ar mai putea face asta intr-un mod simplu, ar trebui sa ne trimita o scrisoare sau sa vina personal acasa)