In paranteza traducerea ca sa intelegi si ce scrii :P
a) He (el) has (a) lived (locuit) with (cu) them (ei) for (pentru sau timp de) five (5, cinci) months (luni).
b) Kate (kate este un nume) worked (a muncit) at (la) this (aceasta) school (scoala) for (pentru sau timp de) seven (7, sapte) years (ani).
c) Mum (mama) has (s-a) gone (dus) to the (la) supermarket (supermarket sau magazin).
d) Last summer (vara trecuta) I (eu) didn't (nu m-am) go (dus) to (la) the seaside (litoral).
e) Steven (steven este un nume) has made (a facut) twenty (20, douazeci) pancakes (de clatite) so far (pana acum).
f) He (el) lived (a trait) in (in) this (acest) city (oras) since (de cand) he was born (s-a nascut).
g) We (noi) haven't (nu am) graduate (absolvit/terminat) from high school (liceul) yet (inca).
h) Have we just had dinner? (tocmai am avut cina?)
i) Have you ever eaten snails? (ai mancat vreodata melci?)
j) Did you watch latest Matt Damon's film? (te-ai uitat la ultimul film a lui Matt Damon)
k) Did she get her license when driving? (ea si-a luat carnetul cand conducea?)
Succes ^_^