a fost răspuns

Traduce-ti in engleza urm. propozitii:
1. Eu am aruncat farfuria de pe masa cu manie.
2. Cutia era intoarsa cu susul in jos.
3. In zilele noastre totul este scump.
4. Ea se comporta nerespectuos cu mine.
5. El a gasit ursuletul de plus sub pat.
6. Ei fiind nesimtiti au izbugnit in ras auzind povestea trista a lui Matei.
7. Ambele verisoare merg la scoala,dar sunt in clase diferite.
8. Eleva recita poezia de iarna incet si frumos.
9. Mama a rupt scrisoarea primita de la vecinul artagos.
10. Unchiul meu arata mai tanar decat credeam eu.
Va rog da-ti rsp repede si corect. Va dau funda,multumesc detoate. Multumesc!

Răspuns :

1.I dropped the plate from the table angry.
2.The box was up side down.
3.In our days everything is expensive.
4.She is unrespectful with me.
5.He found his bear under the bed
6.Nu ti-o spun ca n-are rost poate nu-i corecta
7.Both of cousins go to school but they are in different classes.
8.The student recite a winter poem slowly and beautiful.
9.Mother broke the letter received from the angry neighbour
10.My uncle looks younger than I thought.
-NU SUNT SIGUR 100% ca sunt toate bune.
1. I threw the plate off the table angrily.
2. The box was turned upside down.
3. Nowadays everything is expensive.
4. She behaves disrespectfully to me.
5. He found the teddy bear under the bed.
6. Being rude, they erupted in laughter hearing the sad story of Matthew.
7. Both cousins are going to school, but they are in different classes.
8. The student recites the winter poem slowly and beautiful .
9. My mother broke the letter received from cantankerous neighbor.
10. My uncle looks younger than I thought.