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Explozie a numărului de mașini second hand înmatriculate în februarie 2017

Eliminarea timbrului de mediu a dat un impuls deosebit comerţului cu maşini second hand din import, astfel ca luna trecută a adus un nou record de peste 67.000 de unităţi, de trei ori peste valoarea din februarie 2016.

Răspuns :

Explosion in the number of used cars registered in February 2017

Eliminating environmental stamp gave a great impetus to trade in imported used cars, such as last month brought a new record of over 67,000 units, three times the amount in February 2016.
The number of second hand cars register in 2017 exploded

Elimination of the environmental stamp gave a special impulse of the commerce with second hand cars from import,so the last month bringed a new record of over 67.000 of unities,three times of the amount from february 2016