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Today, most hens in Britain are locked up for twenty-four hours a day in wire cages or "batteries", 50cm by 50cm, with sloping floors. Five hens are put in one cage and up to six cages are stacked on top of each other. Thousands of hens are kept like this in one building. There are over thirty-three million battery hens in Britain.

Of course, battery cages are very clean and hygienic. The hens are warm and safe from predators like foxes, but they are kept in a very small space. They can"t flap their wings or their claws are broken. There is nowhere quiet for them to lay their eggs. There is no straw for them to scratch or peck, so they peck at other hens instead and sometimes all their feathers drop out.

Most people prefer the idea- and the taste- of free-range meat from animals which are allowed to move around outside. They also prefer organic products which are grown without pesticides or fertilizers. The trouble is that food produced in these ways is expensive. If people want cheap food, factory farming will probably continue.

Răspuns :

In ziua de azi,majoritatea gainilor din Anglia sunt inchise 24 de ore pe zi in custi de fire sau ,,baterii,,50 cm din 50 cm,cu podele inclinate. 5 gaini sunt puse in o singura cusca si sunt pana la 6 custi una peste alta.Mii de gaini traiesc asa in o singura cladire.Sun peste 33 milioane de gaini baterie(altcumva nu stiu sa traduc) in Anglia.Desigur,custile baterie sunt foarte curate si igienic . Gainile sunt la caldura si sunt in siguranta de pradatori precum vulpile,dar sunt tinute intr-un spatiu foarte ingust.Nu pot sa miste aripile sau ghearele lor sunt rupte.Nicaieri nu este liniste sa depuna ouale. Nu sunt paie sa ciuguleasca asa ca ciugulesc alte gaini si cateodata le cad toate penele.Majoritatea oamenilor prefera idea -si gustul- carnii animalelor crescute in aer liber care pot sa mearga afara.Ei mai prefera produse organice care sunt crescute fara pesticide sau ingrasaminte.Problema e ca hrana produsa in acest fel este scumpa.Daca oamenii vor mancare ieftina,fabricile agricultoare probabil vor continua.