a fost răspuns

Traduceți în limba engleză (Translate into english) :

Ana: Poate că da, poate că nu. În zilele alea erau grăbiți să rezolve cazul și să pregătească procesul. Dacă nu ne-ar fi găsit, ne-ar fi abandonat...Iar după un an, eu, liberă, aș fi alergat, aș fi încercat să-l scap...
Autorul: Dar era vinovat.
Ana: Și oricum, în zilele acelea mi-ar fi rămas intact cel mai mare bun al acestei lumi, Speranța! Tu, iubitule, mi-ai răpit speranța. Dintre voi doi, nu știu care e mai vinovat!

Răspuns :

Ana: Maybe, maybe not. In those days they were quick to resolve the case and prepare the process. If we would not be found, he would be abandoned ... And after a year, I free, I ran, I tried to get rid ... Author: But was guilty. Ana: And anyway, in those days I would have remained intact greatest asset of this world, hope! You, darling, I hope you kidnapped. Between you two, I do not know who's guilty!
Ana:maybe yes,maybe not.In those days they were hurry  to solve the case and prepare the process.If we wouldn't  have found ,they  have abandoned us.....and after one(1) year ,I, free,  have run ,have try to escape.......
Autorul: But he has  faulty.
Ana: And anyway ,in those days I would have stayed untouched the greatest god of this world,Hope! You,honey, kidnapped me the hope .Between you two,I don't know wich is faulty.