a fost răspuns

Scrieti cate o propozitie in engleza cu cuvintele:DID;DREW;FEEL;FED;FLEW;FORGOT;FROZE;GOT;WENT.
Si va rog frumos sa imi scrieti si traducerea la propozitii ca sunt incepatoare si sa imi scrieti si ce inseamna did drew feel fed flew forgot froze got si went va rog mult.

Răspuns :

1 What did you do this place looks amazing .
2 He drew good cards when we played.
3 He feels alright.
4 She fed her dog this morning.
5 The airplane flew over Moscow.
6 She forgot her homework.
7 He froze to death .
8 He got home early.
9 She went to the school.

Iti scriu direct traducerile

1 Ce ai facut cu locul asta arata minunat.
2 El a tras carti bune cand am jucat.
3 El se simte bine.
4 Ea si-a hranit cainele azi dimineata.
5 Avionul a zburat deasupra Moscovei.
6 Ea si-a uitat tema acasa.
7 El a inghetat pana a murit.
8 El a ajuns acasa devreme.
9 Ea sa dus la scoala

did = a facut forgot = a uita
drew = a trage froze = a ingheta
feel = a simte got = are mai multe sensuri depinde de context
fed = a hrani
flew = a zbura
went = a se duce