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The mother is everything to me. She gave me life , I spoiled the sanu them and taught me to speak. When I was little , even greseama mother always have a word of encouragement for me , even when he was very disappointed . After a good word and a caress from them all disappear. Her love was invaluable , was put in a picture frame . Along with the mother , the vault of my life is quiet , cloudless , bright . It is a sacred flower which is my teacher, ingrijirot , but above all friend . It's a book of stories that tell me what is biune and what is bad , what is beautiful and what is ugly, what is just and what is unjust and how to be a man in life, how to understand the passage through it. Mother is the light of my life that never dies . It appears luceafarul mysterious night . I'd always stay with me , my smile and big eyes Rinse , spoil me and help me when I need it.
Our friends and family play a large role in who we are today, and who we will be in the future. The biggest influence may come from our family; my mother is mine. She taught me everything from how to eat healthy and dress myself, to how to react to any situation. She taught me little things like how to tie my shoes and to be polite and respectful to adults. I would be lost without my mother, I can trust her, and she’s really important to me. Here’s why: She Listens to Me
My mother is my security blanket. No matter how bad of a day she had, she will always be there to listen to me. I talk to her about everything — even things that aren’t always easy to talk about, like my period.
 Even if she's been screamed at by my siblings all day, she will still be eager to hear me squeal over my drama-filled teenage gossip or vent about how overwhelming life can be. She puts up with my mood swings, my constant chatter and my continuous requests — and still manages to keep our home, and everyone in it, in order. She Calms Me Down
Whenever something becomes too much for me, she is there calming me down — giving me a hug and telling me it’s going to be OK. She can even prevent me from hyperventilating by finding my “lost” textbook (it was, of course, in the open, in the first place I checked).
 No matter what the scenario is, my mother always makes me feel better. And she does this all with a smile — even when I forget to say thank you.