Răspuns :
Week-end...... I love the weekend! I like to spend my weekend with my family and my friends. Once I went with my friends at the cinema: an awesome movie avec strangers! We many ice creams with vanilla and chocolate.It was perfect! We went to the mall, and we bought some jachets and trousers for winter. After we went to the library to do our homework for Monday.. That was great, because i like to do my homework with my friends .We spent a beautiful time together . The last week-end , i went my family to the theater and saw a big show with tiger cub and children. My family is also wonderful.......... Traducere.... ..............................,........,............... I-mi place week-endul! I-mi place sa petrec week-endul meu cu familia mea si prietenii mei pe facebook. Odata m-am dus cu prietenii mei la cinema : Si-am vazut un film minunat cu straini. Sunt multe creme de inghetata cu vanilie si multa ciocolata! Era perfect! Ne-am dus la mall si am cumparat niste geci si pantaloni pentru iarna.... Dupa ce ne-am dus la biblioteca ne-am dus acasa sa ne facem temele pentru Luni. Asta a fost in mare pentru ca i-mi place sa fac temele cu prietenii mei..Am petrecut un timp frumos impreuna ..Weekend-ul trecut am fost cu familia mea la teatru si am vazut un spectacol mare cu pui de tigru si copii.Familia mea este minunata de asemenea... Mult succes! Sper ca te-am ajutat!