a fost răspuns

Trad . Textului .Jamie can you take this video back to the rental shop for me plase?
Sorry l m reading my book.
You ve been reading that book for days
So .Anyway i m going to have a shower in a moment.
Oh come on Jamies .Do me a favour for once !It s not far to the shop .
Why not
Well if you must know i don t want to go past Rick ward s house
Rick Ward .That creep .why
Because he and his friends always pick on me when i go past.
What do you mean pick on you
They call me names and push me around.
They call me names and push me around
How long has this been going on
Since the beginning of team
Would you like me to go and sort then out
No it s ok.Give me the video .Shall i get another one for you

Răspuns :

-Jamie poti duce acest video inapoi la magazinul de inchirat, te rog?-Imi pare rau, imi citesc cartea.-Si ce. Oricum, ma duc sa fac un dus acum.-Oh, haide Jamie. Ajuta-ma si pe mine macar o data! Nu este mult pana la magazin.-Nu.-De ce nu?-Pai, daca trebuie sa stii, nu vreau sa merg pe langa casa lui Rick Ward.-Rick ward. Acel ciudat. De ce?-Pentru ca el si prietenii lui mereu ma hartuiesc cand trec pe langa.-Cum adica te hartuiesc?-Ma striga in anumite nume si ma imping.-De cand se intampla asta?-De la inceput.-Ai vrea sa ma duc sa aranjez asta?.-Nu, e ok. Da-mi videoul. Sa merg sa iau altul pentru tine?