Ex. 4 Opposite meaning:
a) outside - inside (i)
b) to accept - to reject (e)
c) available - unavailable (g)
d) careful - careless (l)
e) to confess - to deny (j)
f) significant - insignificant (b)
g) broad - narrow (a)
h) to approve - to disapprove (k)
i) to revoke - to ratify (d)
j) success - failure (f)
k) to allow - to forbid (c)
l) innocent - guilty (h)
Ex. 5 Fill in the necessary article, if necessary:
There once lived a wealthy farmer who owned more land than anyone else in the country. He hoarded * silver in chests and * drawers, besides earning interest as a money-lender.
But one thing he was lacking, for he was a widower.
One day the young daughter of his neighbour came to work for him. The wealthy farmer took * immediate liking to her. He believed that if he only hinted at * marriage, she would jump at the chance, since her father could not afford a dowry. So he told her he had a mind to find himself a bride.
The girl was astonished. She could hardly hide a smile.
(* reprezintă "zero article")