t the beginning of the UN discovered magnificent writer and nonconformist, knew a care about the words of this most precious rights of man Objects. It was someone I care across a wake-CITI-interest them and works to me about CARAT Change Perspective. The thing is Mircea Eliade. Mircea Eliade former historian of religion, fiction writer, philosopher and Romanian professor at the University of Chicago. selling works: Maitreyi, nearsighted adolescent novel, Memoirs, Oceanography have a major impact UN Development Had my culture and training my own personalities. I learned from him ue to be myself, to find reading version of the UN support my mentality a Construction Si Sa care about know things are not like the thought essential. M-180 grade a radically changed, becoming somebody care analyzes in detail the essence of Life. Is my favorite writer, I think it goes without saying, given the fact that I KNOW a better version managed to turn someone un style with New CARAT.