1.Nu mi-am amintit ca ne cunoscusem cu un an inainte.
2.Nu am stat acasa sa te astept pentru ca nu stiam când vei veni.
3.Secretara mi-a spus ca directorul este ocupat.
4.Stiam ca esti in Bucuresti.
5.Era foarte suparat ca isi pierduse dictionarul si nu era sigur ca va gasi unul nou in librarii.
6.I-am promis ca ii voi scrie când voi ajunge la Londra.
7.Hotul nu si-a dat seama ca politia il urmarea de o saptamâna.
8.Iti voi spune adevarul dupa ce il voi afla eu insami.
9.Tata imi va da un cadou dupa ce voi lua examenul.
10.Masina pe care o voi cumpara va fi importata din Germania.
11.M-a intrebat câte litere sunt in alfabetul chinez si nu am putut sa-I raspund.
12.Politistul ma va intreba ce am vazut in timpul accidentul
I haven't remember we met one year ago. I didn't stay at home because I didn't know-how when you will arrive. The secretar Told me that the principal is occuppied. I knew you were in Bucharest. He was Mad cause he lost His dictionary and he wasn't sure if he will Find another one in the Book shop. I promissed him I will write him when I will arrive to London. The thieve didn't realised he was followed by the police from a week ago. I will tell you the truth after I will know it. Dad will give me a present if I pass the exam. My new car is from Germany. He asked me how many letters are in the chinese ABC and I couldn't answer him. The cop will ask me what I saw during the accident.