a fost răspuns

FOARTE URGENT !!! O compunere in engeza care sa aiba inceputul : Anna was walking home when the storm broke out (trebuie sa aiba 150 de cuvinte )

Răspuns :

Anna was walking home when the storm broke out. She kept on walking but the storm was getting worse. She tried to think of some place to hide for the duration of the storm, but sadly she was living in a small village so the only buildings that there were at the time were some closed shops and houses. She finally found a large tree to hide under. After the storm was over, Anna walked home and apologized for worrying her mother about her whereabouts.

Daca nu stii ce inseamna un cuvant, iti pun o lista pentru niste cuvinte:
broke out- a inceput (atunci cand se refera la o furtuna sau alte fenomene ale naturii)
village- sat
worrying- ingrijorand
whereabouts- este ca si cum ai zice unde ai fost (sau in cazul asta unde a fost Anna)

Sper ca te-am ajutat! :)