a fost răspuns

15 propozitii cu present perfect simple.

Răspuns :

1. She has just come back from a long trip. (Ea tocmai s-a intors dintr-o calatorie lunga.)
2. They have already watched this funny movie. (Ei s-au uitat deja la acest film amuzant.)
3. Have they already told you the news? (Ti-au zis ei deja noutatile?)
4. She hasn't met him yet. (Ea nu l-a intalnit pe el inca.)
5. She has told me a lot of interesting things recently. ( Ea mi-a zis o gramada de lucruri interesante recent. )
6. They haven't visited us lately. (Ei nu ne-au vizitat pe noi in ultima vreme.)
7. Have you seen them recently? ( I-ai vazut tu pe ei recent?)
8. He has left. (El a plecat.)
9. They have sent me a letter. (Ei mi-au trimis o scrisoare.)
10. She has broken her hand. (Ea si-a rupt mana.)
11. She has eaten 10 apples today. (Ea a mancat 10 mere azi.)
12. He has worked in the garden since 12 o'clock. (El a lucrat in gradina de la ora 12.)
13. It has snowed for 2 hours. (A nins de 2 ore.)
14. What have you eaten today? (Ce ati mancat azi?)
15. Sam has been here. (Sam a fost aici.)