Răspuns :
Each of these sentences is either correct or has a word which should not be there. Decide if the sentences are correct or not. If not, identify the extra word.
Fiecare dintre aceste enunțuri fie este corect, fie are un cuvânt care nu ar trebui să apară. Stabiliți dacă enunțurile sunt corecte sau nu. Dacă nu sunt corecte, identificați cuvântul greșit.
Answer / Răspuns
1. Could you lend me a pen for a minute?
- enunț corect
2. We will have another more information in the morning.
- ștergem „another”: We will have more information in the morning.
3. I want to know if you can give me some advice
- enunț corect
4. This flat doesn't have any furniture, I'm afraid.
- enunț corect
5. Shall we send her much flowers?
- înlocuim „much” cu „many”: Shall we send her many flowers?
6. I'm going to have a few tooth taken out this afternoon.
- înlocuim „tooth” cu „teeth”: I'm going to have a few teeth taken out this afternoon.
7. We haven't had any news of him for over a week.
- enunț corect
8. There aren't some many men who can do his job.
- ștergem „some”: There aren't many men who can do his job.
9. I can't believe we're got so much luggage. We're only going for the weekend.
- înlocuim „we're cu „we've”: I can't believe we've got so much luggage. We're only going for the weekend.