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Răspuns :

The scene is Elsinore Castle, in Danmark, around the year 1200.
Scena este castelul Elsinore, Danemarca, in jurul anului 1200.

Hamlet, prince of Danmark speaks to his dead father's Ghost who tells him that he was murdered by his brother, Claudius.
Hamlet, print al Danemarcei vorbeste cu spiritul tatalui sau care ii spune ca a fost ucis de fratele sau, Claudius.

In the two months since the murder, Claudius has crowned himself king and has married Hamlet's mother.
In cele doua luni de la moartea tatalui sau, Claudius s-a incoronat rege si s-a casatorit cu mama sa.

The Ghost demands revenge.
Spiritul tatalui sau cere razbunare.

But Hamlet is not sure that Ghost is really his father's - what if it is the devil who wants to push him to murder ?
Dar Hamlet nu e sigur ca spiritul este intr-adevar al tatalui sau - daca nu cumva e Diavolul care doreste sa il faca sa ucida ?

He has to fine the truth.
Trebue sa gaseasca adevarul.

First, he pretends to be mad so that nobody should be surprised at what he does or says.
La inceput, se preface nebun asa ca nimeni nu e surpins de ce face sau ce spune.

Then, when a group of actors came to Elsinore, Hamlet thinks of a trick: the actors will perform in a play represening the murder of Hamlet's father by Claudius (a play within the play).
Apoi, cand un grup de actori vine la Elsinore, Hamlet pune la cale un truc: actorii vor intrepreta o scena reprezentand uciderea tatalui lui Hamlet de catre Claudius (o scena intr-o scena).

Hamlet wants to watch Claudius's reactions.
Hamlet doerste sa vada reactia lui Claudius.

During the performance, the king gives himself away by walking out before the end of the play.
In timpul actului, regele se retrage singur iesind din scena.

Now Hamlet is sure.
Acum Hamlet este sigur.

The Ghost was his father.
Spiritul era tatal sau.

But he has another problem: should he punish murder by another murder, should he act violently against another human ?
Dar acum are o alta problema: va fi nevoie sa pedepseasca o crima cu alta, trebuie sa plateasca cu aceeasi moneada a violentei impotriva unui om ?