
FAra google translate va rog frumos !!
Dau coroana si fundița!
I went up to him and found him white-faced, but with red cheeks. I took his temperature.
What is it?'
'Something like a hundred,' I said, It was one hundred and two and four tenths.'
It was a hundred and two,' he said.
'Who said so?'
'The doctor.'
' Your temperature is all right ' I said. It's nothing to worry about. Take this with water.'
Do You think It will do any good?
Of course it will.
I sat down and opened the Pirate book and began to read, but I could see he was not following, so I stopped.
About what time do You think I'm going to die?he asked.

Răspuns :

m-am dus la el si l-am gasit pal dar cu obrajii rosii.I-am luat tempereatura.
Cat este?
Aproximativ 100.am spus.Era o suta doi si 4 zecimale.
A fost o suta doi. a spus el.
Cine a spus asta?
Temperatura ta este in regula.am spus.Nu e ceva pentru care merita sa te ingrijorezi.Ia asta(pastila) cu apa.
Crezi ca o sa faca bine?( la sanatate)
Normal ca va face.
m-am asezat si am deschis Cartea Piratilor si am inceput sa citesc, dar se putea observa ca nu era atent, asa ca m-am oprit.
La ce ora o sa mor?a intrebat.