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Am nevoie de o caracterizare a unui animal in limba engleza . Va rog sa ma ajute cineva .

Răspuns :

'From acesr reason dogs can be trained specifically intrebiuntati penttru lead the blind. This proves that a dog can be extremely loyal and attached to humans, even "friend". It is said that the master and the dog resemble each other.
Other essays about: who was the first domestic animal, domestic animal first dog first domesticated animal'Dog,,  
Cainele este cel mai apropiat prieten al omului. Cainele este singura persoana care apreciaza omul asa cum este el . Il ajuta pe stapan in orice problema ar fii .
Este singurul animal devotat cu simtul umorului.

Dog (engleza)
Dog is man's  closest friend. Dog owner is the only person appreciates as it is.
Helps the master would by any problem . Is the only animal devout sense of humor. :)))