a fost răspuns

vorbiti despre ce materi va place la școală și de ce și despre ce materii nu vă place și de ce
materiale preferate sunt:
mate romana sport franceza desen tic biologie religie muzica dirigenție
materiale ce nu mi plac
engleza tehnologica geografie istorie(în engleză)
Dau coroana

Răspuns :

My favourite school subiect is math. I like math because it's a subject which not every kid it's born to understand math. The math is interesting and I like to work with numbers and to make difficult exercises. I don't like english, because it's a language a Little complicate for me , and I know that it's used in all the countrys but I don't like it. I hate English because it's difficult to understand, but I'm sure that I will learn this subject, because it's important.
Well, my favorite school subject is sport because it helps you to keep fit and healthy.I think is really important to do sport for a healthy lifestyle.
History isn't my cup of tea(e o expresie) because there is a lot to memorize and sometimes it is boring.Anyway I think is important to know at least a little from every subject.

Am încercat sa fac o legătura între ele și o mică concluzie la sfârșit ca sa fie ca o compunere. Sper ca te-am ajutat