a fost răspuns

Alcatuieste 3 dialoguri scurte in care sa dai sfaturi pentru fiecare dintre situatile urmatoare in engleza:esti slabit,te dor dintii,ai temperatura!

Răspuns :

- I feel weak and tired today, what should I do?
- You should see a doctor.

- My teeth hurt and feel sensible after I drank water.
- I'll talk to a friend of mine who is a dentist.
- Thank you, tell him I'd like to book an appointment.

- I think you've got a bit of temperature!
- Yes, I also have a headache. 

- Hi! Mommy i fell week, what sould i do?
- Drink water, and take a Paracetamol!

-Daddy, i have a toothache, because i ate to much choclolate!
-Come to daddy...Why you did that? Tomorrow we will go to the dentist!

-Good afternoon, doctor! I have fever and hadeache, because i played too much with  snow yesterday!
-Hello! Don't worry...i will prescribe a treatment and in 4-5 days you will be fine!