
Traduceti.mi textul in engleza
"Nu pot sa-mi imaginez viata fara prieteni. Ei sunt una dintre cele mai importante aspecte ale vietii. Avem nevoie de ei ca sa le impartasim atat bucuriile cat si supararile noastre. Este bine sa stim lucrul acesta si sa invatam din timp sa ii apreciem si sa-i tinem aproape de noi.
Pentru mine, prietenul meu cel mai bun inseamna foarte mult. De fiecare data cand am avut nevoie de el mi-a fost alaturi. El este o persoana sincera care nu ar putea sa ma minta niciodata indiferent de situatie. Mi-a dovedit de nenumarate ori ca nu este un prieten fals si a reusit sa-mi castige toata increderea. Am invatat sa ne distram, sa invatam unul de la celalalt, sa ne plangem unul altuia atunci cand ne este greu si cel mai important lucru sa ne respectam.
De cand suntem prieteni am inteles ca fara respect si fara ingaduinta nu poti avea un prieten adevarat. Imi doresc foarte mult ca prietenia noastra sa dureze o viata."

Răspuns :

I can't imagine life without friends. They are one of the most important of life's aspects. We need them to share both joys and out sorrows. It is good to know and work it to them early and learn to appreciate and we keep close. For me my best friend means very much. I each had data can I need it was there for. He is a sincere care would not lie to me notification has never situation matter. It proved it many times mentioned about is not a false friend and I managed to win over confidence. We learned to have fun, learn from one another, one us to complain when another is important and the most difficult to respect our work. Since we are friends I understood that without respect and without indulgence you can not un true friend. I very much I love about our friendship to last a lifetime.
I can't imagine life without friends. They are one of the most important aspects of life. We need them to share both our happiness and sadness. It is good to know this and to learn to appreciate them from the beginning and to keep them close.
For me, my best friend means a lot. Each time I needed him, he was there. He is a honest person who could never lie to me, regardless of the situation. He proved me countless times that he is not a false friend and he managed to earn all my trust. We learned to have fun, to learn from each other, to cry on each other's shoulder when we have problems, and the most important thing, we learned to respect one another.
Since we have been friends, I learned that without respect and tolerance you can't have a true friend. I really wish our friendship lasted a lifetime.