Hi Lenna ! (sau orice alt nume)
How are you ? Hope that you're fine,because I have something very important to tell you!
So,I think that you know that tommorrow is my birthday. That's why I want to give a party,on Saturday,23.11.2016 (am pus o data la intamplare),at that pretty restaurant, "Jolly's joy" . The party will start at 5 o'clock,but it dosn't exist a finish hour,that means that we can party until the morning !
Hope that you can come,because there will be all my friends (20 or more) and more food,like pizza or burgers,drinks (all of the types). There will also be a band, (pune tu un numa,chiar nu am idei aici),which will entertain us all the night !
See you there !
Love, Jane.