
Puteti sa imi traduceti si mie urmatorul text in engleza,va rog ! Eram la schii iarna trecuta pe un munte inalt...langa el era o padure deasa , luminoasa din cauza zapezii...Imi placea mult privelistea asa ca m-am apropiat putin. Incepusem sa merg putin sa vad daca descopar ceva..pentru ca la intrarea in padure ers pustiu....Mergeam ce mergeam si in fata mea vedeam urme ciudate...le-am urmarit pana la sfarsit....urmarindu-le am ajuns la un copac care nu era nins deloc...ers asa de ciudat incat 10 minute tot trebuia sa ma gandesc de ce nu are pic de zapada pe el...la un moment dat am auzit un zgomot ciudat care-mi dadea fiori am fugit inapoi de unde am venit stergandu-mi urma cu o creanga.. Nu am stiut, nu stiu si nu voi sti niciodata cine a putut face un asemenea zgomot. Asta a fost o intamplare neobisnuita. Sper ca te-am ajutat umpic de fantezie

Răspuns :

I was skiing last winter on a high mountain ... besides he was a dense forest, bright because of the snow ... I liked the view so I approached less. I started to go a little to see if I discover that the entrance ceva..pentru ers forest wilderness .... I walked and walked in front of me I saw traces strange ... I watched to finish watching them .... I came to a tree that was not snowed at all ... ers so weird that still had 10 minutes to think why has little snow on it ... at one point I heard a strange noise that gave me shivers ran back where we came after wiping me with a branch .. I know I do not know and I'll never know who could make such a noise. That was an unusual occurrence. I hope I helped a tad fancy