
1.Cand am plecat de la politie Albert si sotia sa inca mai vorbeau cu un politist .
2.Ce se intampla in casa ta cand am trecut pe la tine ieri seara?Am sunat la usa dar nu mi-a raspuns nimeni,desi se auzea muzica inauntru.
3.El dormea cand fu trezit de un zgomot.Coboara scarile sa vada ce se intampla .A inteles ca ceva nu era in regula ,deoarece cainele latra furios .
4. I-am pus aceasta intrebare de catva ori,dar el nu ma auzit fiindca citea ziarul ...

Răspuns :

1)when i left the police albert and his wife  talking toa  a cop
2)what happens in your house  when i passed on to last night?I rang the door but no one answered me  although miusic was playing inside.
3)he sleep when he was awakend a noise .descend  the stairs to see what happens. a uanderstand what something  was wrong because the dog barking  furiously.
4) i aked  this question some time but he didn't hear me  because he read newspaper