Răspuns :
oamenii bogati sunt nefericiti din cauza faptului ca pot sa aiba orice isi doresc . dar nu aceasta e problema . oamenii bogati cel mai des sufera din cauza faptului ca nu au prieteni. ei , ne stiind cum e sa NU iti cumperi prietenii. ei mai sufera si din cauza faptului ca nu au prietena .asta datoreaza faptului ca nu pot sa cucereasca pe cineva , fara a isi folosi banii.
Eu , ce am scris in randurile de mai sus , este in mare parte neadevarat , inspirandu-ma din filme , sau din desene. In realitate , oamenii bogati sunt foarte destepti si de treaba .
wealthy people are unhappy because they can have anything they want. but this is not the problem.
most rich people suffer because they do not have friends. they, not knowing what NOT to buy your friends.
they also suffer because they have no girlfriend .asta because someone can not conquer without use their money.
I, I wrote ranks above, is largely untrue, inspired me in movies or cartoons. In fact, rich people are very smart and nice.
Eu , ce am scris in randurile de mai sus , este in mare parte neadevarat , inspirandu-ma din filme , sau din desene. In realitate , oamenii bogati sunt foarte destepti si de treaba .
wealthy people are unhappy because they can have anything they want. but this is not the problem.
most rich people suffer because they do not have friends. they, not knowing what NOT to buy your friends.
they also suffer because they have no girlfriend .asta because someone can not conquer without use their money.
I, I wrote ranks above, is largely untrue, inspired me in movies or cartoons. In fact, rich people are very smart and nice.