a fost răspuns

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-Buna Rihanna, sunt Alina de la revista PopStar, am cateva intrebari:Cum e sa ai atatia fani?
-E minunat!Cand vezi ca ai atatia fani care te sustin iti da o putere si parca te impinge de la spate.
-Ce faci in timpul liber?
-Ma pregatesc pentru diferite spectacole si uneori pictez.
-Esti talentata la pictura?
- Da, am vandut o lucrare acum cateva zile.
- Ok, ce alte hobbiuri mai ai?
- Imi place sa rezolv puzzle-uri.
-Foarte interesant. Pot sa te intreb un ultim lucru?
-Da, desigur!
-In ce data te-ai nascut?
-Pe 20 februarie 1988 .
- Multumesc pentru timpul acordat!

Răspuns :

- Hello, Rihanna. My name is Alina and I work for the PopStar magazine. I have some questions for you: How does it feel to have so many fans?
- It's amazing! When you see so many people supporting you, it gives you the power to continue with the hard work.
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- I usually go to rehearsals for my concerts and sometimes I like to paint.
- Are you also good at painting?
- Yes, I sold one of my works a few days ago.
- Awesome. What other hobbies do you have?
- I like to solve different puzzles.
- Very interesting. Can I ask you one last question?
- Of course!  
- What's your date of birth?
- 20th February, 1988.
- Thank you for your time! 
Am schimbat cate ceva, ca sa se poata traduce si sa sune bine.
Sper ca e ok!