
Buna ziua vreau sa imi transformati aceste propozitii din romana in engleza:
Sora mea imi da masina ei veche dupa ce o primeste pe cea noua.

Saptamana viitoare toti prieteni mei vin la petrecerea mea.

La ce ora ajunge prietena ta katy?

Unde mergi in vacanta?

Ce mancam la cina?

Noi nu mergeme la petrecere diseara.

Ei pot sa joace maine tenis,ei nu lucreaza.

Bunicii nostri vin maine la pranz.

Aceasta companie da tuturor un bonus de Craciun.

Noi avem un test la matematica peste doua zile.

Noi plecam la ora 3.

Fratele meu mai mic incepe lectiile de pian incurand.

Eu am programare la doctor luni la ora 3.

Răspuns :

My sister will give me her car before she will have the new one.
Next week all of my friends come to my party.
What time arrives your friend Katy?
Where you go in vacance?
What we will eat at dinner?
We will not going to party tonight.
They can play tenis tomorrow, They aren't working.
Our granparents come tomorrow at noon.
This comoany give for all a bonus for Chrismas.
We have a test at math 2 weeks from now.
We go at 3 o'clock.
My little brother starts the piano lessons soon.
I have appointment at doctor on Monday at 3 o'clock.
Sper că am putut să ajut! :3