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put the adverbials in brackets in the correct position to complete the sentences.Write out the complete sentences.(unit B)
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Put The Adverbials In Brackets In The Correct Position To Complete The SentencesWrite Out The Complete Sentencesunit BDau Coroanajur Amin class=

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Put the adverbials in brackets in the correct position to complete the sentences. Write out the complete sentences.

Plasați construcțiile adverbiale în poziția lor corectă pentru a completa enunțurile. Scrieți enunțurile în întregime.



1. Of Mice and Men is set in California in the 1930s.

- in California (place)

- in the 1930s (time)

2. The book was beautifully written by John Steinbeck.

- beautifully (manner)

3. I read the book very fast at school last year.

- very fast (manner)

- at school (place)

- last year (time)

4. It is about George and Lennie, two farm workers looking for work in different ranches in California during the depression.

- in different ranches (place)

- in California (place)

- during the depression (time)

5. They dream of working for themselves in a ranch of their own one day.

- in a ranch of their own (place)

- one day (time)

6. The story ends when George tragically shoots Lennie, by the deep green pool of the Salinas river.

- tragically (manner)

- by the deep green pool of the Salinas river (place)


Câteva explicații despre poziția structurilor adverbiale în enunțuri

  • În engleză nu punem niciodată un adverb între verb și partea de vorbire cu funcție sintactică de complement:

- corect: George tragically shoots Lenny.

- incorect: George shoots tragically Lenny.

  • Atunci când avem mai mult de o construcție adverbială într-un enunț, se respectă următoarea poziționare a acestora:

Manner (mod) – Place (loc) – Time  (timp)


I read the book very fast at school last year.

- very fast (manner)

- at school (place)

- last year (time)