
Traduceti va rog frumos:
1) Intotdeauna imi ceri bani sa-ti iei placinta si nu aduci niciodata restul.
2)-Sambata viitoare imi cumpar mobila noua de bucatarie.
-Ce zice sotul tau de asta?
-Nu ma intelege niciodata cand vreau sa schimb ceva prin casa.
3)-Tie somn?
-Nu, ma gandeam ce sa fac daca el nu ajunge la timp

Răspuns :

1. you always ask for money to buy pie but you never bring me the change.
2. next saturday I'm gonna buy new furniture for kitchen.
what does your husband think about that?
he never understands me whenever I want to do changes around the house.
3. are you tired?
no, I was thinking what should I do if he doesnt get here on time