a fost răspuns

Fill in the gaps with a partitive to form a meaning- ful word combination.

1. A … of salt will be enough for the soup. 2. There isn’t a … of milk left in the jug. 3. Who knows what a … of man he is. 4. Is he a member of the … of directors? 5. I need six … of wool to knit a pullover for him. 6. The … of ants was flying to a new colony. 7. Has anyone seen my … of keys? 8. This year the … of potatoes was excellent. 9. We bought her a … of cutlery as a present

Răspuns :


Fill in the gaps with a partitive to form a meaningful word combination.

Completează spațiile libere cu o expresie partitivă astfel încât să obțineți o combinație de cuvinte.



1. A pinch of salt will be enough for the soup.

Va fi suficient un praf de sare pentru a fi adăugat în supă.

2. There isn't a drop of milk left in the jug.

N-a mai rămas nicio picătură de lapte în carafă.

3. Who knows what a kind of man he is.

Cine știe ce fel de om este el.

4. Is he a member of the board of directors?

El este membru al consiliului directorilor?

5. I need six clews of wool to knit a pullover for him.

Am nevoie de șase gheme de lână să îi împletesc un pulover.

6. The colony of ants was flying to a new colony.

Colonia de furnici zbura către o nouă colonie.

7. Has anyone seen my set of keys?

Mi-a văzut cineva setul de chei?

8. This year the yield of potatoes was excellent.

În acest an, recolta de cartofi a fost excelentă.

9. We bought her a canteen/set of cutlery as a present.

Noi i-am cumpărat un set de tacâmuri drept cadou.