a fost răspuns

DAU COROANA SI MULTE PUNCTE SI MULTUMESC raspundeti la intrebarile sau cateva din ele

DAU COROANA SI MULTE PUNCTE SI MULTUMESC Raspundeti La Intrebarile Sau Cateva Din Ele class=

Răspuns :

a) Most lightnings happen outside, on golf courses. b) Lightning is actually electrical current and, provided with the appropriate means (a metal rod attached to a wire), it can actually make an electrical device work. Lightning caused approximately 15000 fire related events in the past ten years. i) Benjamin Franklin connected a metal rod to a wire which was, in turn, connected to a bell and attached it to a chimney on his roof. This caused the lightning to strike the rod, which would make the bell ring, this proving lightning to be electricity. Textul nu e complet și nu pot să răspund la celelalte întrebări. Nici la astea nu ți-am răspuns chiar perfect.