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Imi place vacanta de vara deoarece sunt libera si nu am teme de facut. Impreuna cu familia, merg la mare sau la munte. Marea este preferata mea deoarece imi place sa inot , sa fac plaja si castele de nisip. Mananc inghetata zilnic si merg cu bicicleta.
Ador anotimpul de vara!

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Răspuns :

I like the summer holiday because I'm free and I don't have homework. With my family I go at the mountain or at the seaside. The seaside is my favourite destination because I like to swim, I like to tan and I like to build sand castels. I eat ice cream every day and I ride a bicycle. I like the summer season!

Cu placere!
I like summer vacantion because I'm free, and I haven't homework to do. Togheter with family, go to the sea or mountain. Sea is my favorit because I like to swim, to tan me and sandcastles. I eat ice cream every day and ride bicycles.I love summer season.