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Minunatul oras Iasi,situat in zona Moldovei lui Stefan cel Mare este unul dintre cele mai frumoaseorase din tara.
Orasul are o istorie memorabila si e un oras infloritot,demn de vizitat.In centrul orasului se afla parcul Copou al lui Eminescu,cu teiul lui de peste un secol,unde poetul se odihnea,scriind poeme nemuritoare.Si apoi,Piata Unirii imensa si forfotand de oameni,marile si celebrele universitati,care au dat si inca dau tarii,tineri care duc mai departe prestigiul lor.La marginea orasului se afla numeroase intreprinderi si fabrici,sursa de munca pentru locuitori.
Iasul este un oras vechi supranumit orasul intelectualilor si al ctitoriilor,avand multe manastiri construite in stil antic si monumente ce cinstesc amintirea marilor domnitori din vremurile apuse,pastrand istoria totusi intacta.
Astazi Iasul e mult prea modernizat,un oras european,dar in care vechiul si noul se imbratiseaza,pastrand aceasta unire intr-o perfecta armonie.Acest oras merita vizitat.

Răspuns :

The wonderful city called Iasi, placed in area of Moldova, is one of the most beautiful cities from this country. This city have an memorable history and is a blooming city, and is worth to visit. In the middle of city is the park named Copou of Eminescu, with the lime from over one century, where the poet rested, typing immortal poems. After, Piata Unirii is large and full with peoples, biggest and famous universities, which gives to the country, young peoples which lead forward their prestige. At city periphery are many companies and factories, work source for population.
Iasi is an old city surnamed intellectuals city and readers, having many monasteries builded in ancient style and monuments which honor memory of great reigns from bygone times, keeping the history intact.
Today Iasi is too upgraded. This city deserve to be visited