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Dau coroana !
Traduceti in romana :
On my last day in London , the Taylors and I went to the Science Museum . It`s huge ! If you spent just one minute looking at each of the exhibits , it would take more tham a month to see them all .
The best part is that there are lats of interactive exhibits and demonstration by Museum Explainers .
In the Optics departament , one of the explainers put her hand , fingers open , on the screen ot a switchedoff television . The she shone a bright torch at it for a minute . When she took her hand off , the screen was light grey but the shadow of her hand remained . She explained that the phosphores on the screen store up the energy of light . when you turn off the torch , they give the energy back .
In another exhibit , you can shime a white light on a prisme and see the coulor spectrum . It`s so clear that it seems to have a lot more than the seven colours I knew about . There`s a light andd a dark blue , and a sky blue and a very pale blue whinch Mrs Taylor says many blues , and greens , and reds , ... and so many names for them !
They also give you instruction for `Try it at home` experiments . One of them is called a whizzer . Here`s how you make it :
1 Cut a cricle of card .
2 Draw lines to the centre to divide it into seven equaș pie secctions .
3 Paint the sections in the coulors of the spectrum ,
4 . Put string through two holes at the sides of the centre .
5. Tie and hold the ends of the string .
6. Turn the cricle round and round .
7. Pull the string ends but don`t snap the cord !
8 . Look at the cricle go round . What happens ? This is easy to make at home and fun use . Try it and see .

Răspuns :

In ultima mea zi in Londra, familia Taylor si cu mine am mers la muzeul de stiinta. Este urias! Daca ai sta doar un minut sa te uiti la fiecare dintre exponate, ar dura mai mult de o luna sa le vezi pe toate! Cea mai buna parte este ca acolo sunt multe exponate interactive si  si demonstratii facute de explicatorii muzeului. In departamentul de optica, unul dintre explicatori si-a pus mana cu degetele departate pe ecranul unui televizor stins. Apoi a apropiat o lanterna luminoasa timp de un minut. Cand si-a indepartat mana, ecranul era gri, insa umbra mainii sale a ramas. Ea a explicat ca fosforii de pe ecran absorb energia luminoasa, cand stingi lanterna ei dau inapoi energia.
Intr-o alta expozitie, ai putut indrepta o lumina alba catre o prisma si sa vezi spectrul de culori. E atat de clar, incat pare ca are mai mult de cele 7 culori despre care stiam. Este un albastru deschis si unul inchis, un albastru ca cerul si un albastru foarte pal despre care Dna taylor spune foarte multe culori de de albastru de verde, de rosu... si atat de multe nume pentru ele. 
Ei iti dau de asemenea si instructiuni pentru experimente de facut acasa. Unul dintre ele se numeste "whizzer". Uite cum se face:
1. Taie un cerc din carton
2. Traseaza linii ca sa il imparti in 7 parti egale "de prajitura"
3. Picteaza partile in culorile spectrului
4.pune ata prin 2 gauri facute de o parte si de alta a centrului
5. Leaga si tine capetele atei
6. roteste cercul
7. trage de captele atei dar nu o rupe
8. uita-te la cerc cum se roteste. ce se intampla? Este usor de facut acasa si distractiv. Incearca si vezi