a fost răspuns

Buna.Am si eu nevoie de ajutor, cu o traducere in engleza.

Familia mea.
Familia mea este alcatuita din:
-tata, il cheama Cristian, are 40 de ani, si este plecat in afara.El este inalt, are parul negru si creț.Este cel mai bun tata din intregul univers.
-mama, o cheama Laura, are 36 de ani, este scunda, are parul mediu, şaten si este cea mai perfecta mama.
-bunica, o cheama Elizabeta , are 55 de ani.Are parul roşcat si creț.

Răspuns :

My family.My family consists of:Dad, his name is Cristian, is 40 years old, and is gone in afara.El is tall, has black hair and creţ.Este the best father in the entire universe.Mom, her name is Laura, is 36 years old, is short, her hair is medium brown and is the perfect mother.-Good, her name is Elizabeth, has 55 red and curly hair ani.Are.