a fost răspuns

Poate cineva sa imi traduca dialogul urmator ( fara goigle translate) Urgent -Maria,ce este cu camasa ta?Sa stii ca nu suntem la circ,ci la scoala.
-Dar ce are?
-Uitete la ea!Are mai multe culori decat stie profesoara de pictura!La scoala se imbraca alb-negru.
-Daca se poarta doar alb-negru,atunci dumneavoastra de ce purtati o rochie verde si pantofi mov?
-Un elev decent nu raspunde inapoi dirigintelui,sa-ti fie rusine!
-Ma scuzati,nu am dorit sa va jignesc,dar,totusi,vreau raspunsul la intrebarea adresata.
-Aceasta regula nu le este si invatatorilor.
-Pai,parerea mea,este ca ori toata lumea trebuie sa poarta alb-negru,ori toti colorat.Ma scuzati daca va irosesc timpul sau va par needucat,dar imi expun parerea.Cred ca toti trebuie sa fie unici prin felul in care se arata in public.
-In legatura cu aceasta ai dreptate,dar nu am ce face cu regulilu scolii,te rog dute in clasa,te scutez de detentie,dar,doar de data asta.

Răspuns :

- Mary, what is going on with your t-shirt? You know we are not at the cirque, but at school.
- What`s wrong with it?
- Look at it. it has more colors than art teacher knows. At school we wear black and white.
- If we wear only black and white, why do you wear a green dress and purple shoes?
- A decent student doesn`t reply to his teacher. Shame on you!
- I am sorry, I didn`t want to offend you, but still I want the answer to the question.
- That rule is not for teachers.
- Well, my opinion is that everyone should wear black and white or all colored. I am sorry if I waste your time or if I seem uneducated, but this is my opinion. I believe that all must be unique for the way they look in public. 
- About that you are right, but I cant do anything with school`s rules. please go to your class, I save you from detention, but only this time.