a fost răspuns

Traduceti in engleza:

Anul acesta vacanta de vara a fost foarte scurta ,deoarece am avut examenul . Dar chiar si asa a fost cea mai tare vara . Toata vara mi-am petrecut-o langa prieteni . In fiecare dupa-amiaza ne duceam la football ,iar seara ieseam si ne plimbam . Cea mai tare amintire pe care n-o s-o uit niciodata a fost atunci cand ne-am suit sus pe poiana .Intr-o zi eu si cu alti patru prieteni ne-am propus sda ne urcam sus in varful poienei . A fot un drum foarte anevoios ,deoarece a trebuit sa ne urcam pe o carare abrupta si ingusta . Prima oara am vrut sa renuntam dar apoi ne-am razgandit .Dupa o ora cu multe peripetii am ajuns .A trebuit sa cautam apa si un alt drum . Dupa ce am coborat ne-am bagat in apa apa si ne-am balacit .
Abia astept vacanta urmatoare .

Răspuns :

This year's summer vacation was very short because I had the exam. But even so it was the hottest summer . All summer I spent a near friends. Every afternoon we went to football , and in the evening I went out and walk . The coolest memory that it was not an 'll never forget was when we went up the clearing .In one day me and four other friends we decided we climb up on top SDA glades . A fot a very difficult road , because we had to climb a steep and narrow path . The first time I wanted to give up but then we changed our mind with many adventures .After an hour we arrived .A water and had to look for another way. After we descended we put in the water and we Splashing water .Looking forward next holiday . Sper ca e bine tema asta am avuto si eu !