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Ultima mea vacanta
Ultima mea vacanta a fost la mare unde m-am distrat foarte bine
Era o zi senina foarte calduroasa cand parintii mei s-au gandit ca ar fi o idee buna sa mergem la mare. Tata facuse o rezervare la un hotel si am plecat la mare a doua zi.
Ajunsi acolo ne-am cazat la hotel dupa care ne-am luat bagajul si am plecat catre plaja. Deabea asteptam sa pasesc pe nisipul fin si fierbinte si sa inot in apa plina de valuri.Un domn ne-a gasit 4 sezlonguri libere , cand am ajuns la sezlonguri tata sa puna bagajele si sa deschida umbrela . Eu m-am dus sa inot si sa caut scoici , iar dupa plaja am iesit in oras. Zilele trecu-se foarte repede si era vremea sa ne intoarcem acasa
A fost o vacanta foarte frumoasa cu familia.

Răspuns :

My last holiday
My last holiday was the sea where I had so much fun
It was a very hot sunny day when my parents thought it would be a good idea to go to sea. Tata had made a reservation at a hotel and I went to sea the next day.
Once there we stayed at the hotel after we took the luggage and went to the beach.
I can not wait to step on the fine sands and swim in the water hot and full of valuri.
Un gentleman has found 4 free sunbeds, deckchairs father when I got to put your luggage and open umbrella.
I I went to swim and look for seashells, beach and after we went out.
Days passed into very quickly and it was time to return home