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Dau coroana !
Traduceti in romana urmatorul text :

Who will you have a close encounter with ?
For 200 years , people the world over have been attracted to Madame Tussauds.The people who have come have been amazed. After all, where else can you hug actors like Brad Pitt, be counted among worldleaders like Nelson Mandela, or compare notes with scientists like Albert Einstein ?
The current exhibition includes over 400 life-like figures which have been carefully made using 2,400 lbs. of wax. If the wax was used for candles , it would be enough for 16,000 candles !
If, like most of us , you are fascinated by stars and heroes , you can't afford to miss this opportunity . The stars in the Garde Party will delight you, the heroes in the Grand Hall will impress you , and the monsters in the Chamber of Horrors will terrify you.
Madame Tussaud's is always very popular. Visitors are advised to book tickets in advance on the credit card hotline.
Tel : 01719356861
Admission prices
Adult $9.25
Child (under 10) $6.10
Senior citizen $6.95
Combined tickets for Madame Tussand's and the London Planetarium are available at a reduced rate.
Adults $11.50 , Child (under 16) $7.55

Răspuns :

Cu cine vei avea o intalnire mai apropiata?
De 200 de ani, oameni dile pretutindeni au fost atrasi de Madame Tussauds. Oamenii care au vizitat au fost impresionati. Dupa toate, unde altundeva vei putea imbratisa actori precum Brad Pitt, se numara printre conducatorii lumii Nelson Mandela sau sa compari notite cu cercetatori ca Albert Einstein?
Expozitia curenta include peste 400 de figurine asemanatoare cu viata reala care sunt facute atent utilizand 2,400 lbs ceara. Daca ceara ar fi fost utilizata pentru lumanari ar fi ajuns pentru 16,000 de lumanari. Daca, ca majoritate dintre noi esti fascinat de celebritati si eroi, nu-ti poti permite sa pierzi oportunitatea.Vedetele din Marea Petrecere te vor incanta, eroii din Marele Hol te vor impresiona si monstrii din Camera Groazei te vor ingrozii
Madame Tussaud's este mereu foarte popular. Vizitatorii sunt sfatuiti sa cumpere tichete in avans sau cu cartea de credit. (Aici cred ca ai transcris gresit.. hotline- linia fierbinte:)))) )
Prețuri de admitere :
Adulti $9,25
Copii (sub 10 ani): $6,10
Cetatenii seniori (in varsta) $6,95
Biletele Combinate la Madame Tussaud's si la Planetariul Londrei sunt disponibile cu o reducere
Adultii $11,50
Copii (sub 16) $7,55

*sper ca te va ajuta. multa bafta in clasa a 7-a=)))*