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write a one page essay beginning with: life is a lot.I think sometimes . But here ,on my coffe-table ,is a book set down beside a bowl of red and yellow apples . It is a pleasant invitation to................

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Life is a lot, I think sometimes. But here, on my coffee-table, is a book set down beside a bowl of red and yellow apples. It is a pleasant invitation to meditation, to enter a world without boundaries,where everything is possible. Our daily life is a boring routine that passes us by without even realizing that we grow old very quickly, without gathering enough life experience. As death draws lots to end our life any moment, we run the risk of not living our life to the full, not coming into contact with everything in this world. This is where the book on my coffee-table comes into play. It is a gate to a world full of adventures, it opens our mind to far-off exotic realms or even unknown to the human mind, thousands of characters come to life and we imagine them doing everything the plot of the book leads them to do. Every book has a message to transmit and as life is too short, it is such a good thing to avoid making mistakes by learning from the characters’ mistakes, so we enrich our life experience together with entertaining and relaxing ourselves through reading. So, I no longer fear that my life will be a wasted one. I just take a red apple out of the bowl and crunch it while slipping unawares slowly from the dull reality of my room into the magic universe of the book that lies on my coffee-table, learning from the characters I read about what I should do or what I’m not supposed to do in life. 

(Viata e o loterie, cred uneori. Dar aici, pe masuta mea, este o carte pusa langa un castron cu mere rosii si galbene. Este o invitatie placuta spre meditatie, de a intra intr-o lume fara limite, unde totul e posibil. Viata noastra de zi cu zi este o rutina plicitsitoare care trece pe langa noi fara sa ne dam seama ca imbatranim foarte repede, si fara sa strangem destula experienta de viata. Cum moartea trage la sorti sa ne incheie viata in orice moment, riscam sa nu ne fi trait viata la maxim, sa nu fi intrat in contact cu tot ce e pe lumea aceasta. Aici este partea unde cartea de pe masuta intra in scena. Este o poarta spre o lume plina de aventuri, ne deschide mintea catre taramuri exotice indepartate si chiar necunoscute mintii umane, mii de personaje prind viata iar noi ne imaginam cum fac tot ceea ce firul narativ le pune sa faca. Fiecare carte are un mesaj de transmis si cum viata e prea scurta, este un lucru atat de bun sa evitam sa mai gresim invatand din greselile personajelor, astfel noi ne imbogatim experienta de viata odata cu relaxarea si divertismentul care insotesc cititul. In concluzie, nu imi mai este teama ca viata mea va fi irosita. Iau un mar rosu din castron sa-l rontai in timp ce alunec incetisor fara sa realizez din realitatea plictisitoare a camerei mele intr-un univers magic al cartii ce sta pe masuta, tragand invataminte de la personajele despre care citesc ce ar trebui sa fac si ce nu in viata.)