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Va rog, am nevoie de compunerea asta tradusa din romana in engleza
Multumesc anticipat

A existat un sentiment de magie cand m-am trezit sambata dimineata intr-o zi de vara cu aromele de vara care vin prin fereastra de la dormitor . Mi-am imaginat totul , eram intr-o livada plina cu flori , cu pasari care cantau , soarele care stralucea si cu toate natura care imi vorbea . Toate astea m-au facut sa-mi dau seama ca natura este un loc minunat unde te poti bucura de viata , de toate mirasmele naturii . Din acel moment de fiecaredata observam cand o pasare canta , cand natura imi vorbea .

Răspuns :

There was a feeling of magic when I woke up Saturday morning in a summer day with flavors of summer who come through the bedroom window. I imagined everything, I was in an orchard full of flowers, with birds singing, sun shining and all the nature that spoke to me. All this made me realize that nature is a wonderful place where you can enjoy life, all the smells of nature. From that moment every time I noticed a bird singing, when nature talked to me.